All of Zoom’s A Stage

Hi everyone!

It's time for another update, looking back on the wild rollercoaster ride of the first two months of 2021.


We have had such a good time hosting birthday parties and family get togethers! We tailor our parties to suit all ages, needs and interests. Our most unusual theme has been: Aeroplanes and Junkfood! This party involved the age ranges from 3-79 years!

We are really looking forward to running some more this month! I have just been re-watching The Descendants in preparation for a 7 year old's special day!


We have been running weekly workshops since January with the schools: Brackenbury, Ark Brunel, St Andrew and St Francis, Burlington Danes, Newman, Capital City, Wendell Park and Gateway. These young people have been wonderful and adapted so well to a completely remote way of working. We will be continuing these workshops after half term to finish devising our character-based performances.

Over half term, we ran workshops with young people from Early Years- Key Stage 2 across Hammersmith and Fulham, Westminster and RBKC. These one-off workshops were a brilliant way to boost energy and provide the young people with fun activities to keep them entertained and connected.


In January, we set up the twice weekly workshops, All of Zoom's a Stage.

By popular demand from our regular attendees and ever increasing new joiners, we continued these workshops into February and have plans in place for March and beyond!

These workshops are such a fun way to connect young people from all over the country (and, as has been the case for several workshops; continents!) and have revolved around different drama themes and practices. Next month will celebrate key calendar events!


This month also saw our first delve into the world of Instagram Live. Zest Health Nutrition and Tie-Dye Drama teamed up for Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. We played games and chatted about the importance of play, drama and staying connected during these times. We are looking forward to more fun, live events like this!

We feel so lucky to be able to continue our work during such difficult times and are so grateful for all the support from the young people, families, staff and organisations. Let's see what's in store next during these #unprecedented times...

Will leave this blog post on this lovely feedback from West London Zone's CEO...


Springing into action!


New year, same (but shinier!) us!